The Holiday season is a whirlwind for everyone, no matter what you celebrate: decorations, holiday music, flashing lights, cooking food, buying gifts, making flights to see family members, etc. The month of December in particular is so very fast-paced as everyone is running around making last-minute arrangements.

Receiving a gift off of your wishlist is what everyone hopes for during the holidays, wether it be from your extended family, siblings, parents, friends, or Santa Claus.
Sometimes when it’s just so busy and you’re pressed for time or you don’t know the person you’re getting a gift for all that well, it’s easier to get them a gift card…or would they just prefer cash? Or is cash too lazy…where should I get them a gift card to?
This has been a topic of interest across many grades at Darien High School among friends, many of which (including myself) did holiday “Secret Santa” gift exchanges, or just got gifts for their friends.
Student Opinions!
While talking to DHS sophomores Selen Yasanliel and Andrea Sutanto, the two friends took different sides.
“Cash can be spent anywhere and sometimes can go to waste; gift cards are more thoughtful,” says Yasanliel. “Cash can be made for saving, gift cards are made for buying; it’s an excuse to be a consumerist!” she joked.
“I’d rather get cash because there’s some places that I don’t shop at that I get gift cards from,” adds Sutanto. “Cash you can use for anything!”
I posted a question on my Snapchat story asking DHS peers to take a side in the debate, “Holiday Gifts…Cash or Gift Card?” Here are some of the responses.

“Cash all the way. You can take the racks and go wherever you want without the limitations of a gift card,” says junior Brenna Agarabi.
“Gift card for sure – shows they still put effort into something you’d like but leave it up to you to decide,” says senior Remi Repsher.
“Cash! Gift cards tend to limit me when I want to use the money (I have a bunch of gift cards from years past on my desk). I don’t have a store of preference and prefer to shop anywhere, so cash is ideal because I can spend the money wherever I want,” says junior Jackie Thomas.
A few people responded to my story with just “cash!” or “gift card” as their vote, and three voted for cash and four voted for gift cards. An overall strong split.
The question remains…would you rather receive a cash gift or a gift card?