Let’s Be Honest: Things that Aren’t Normalized but Should Be
Some of your fellow DHS classmates shared their opinions on unpopular things that should be considered “the norm.”
October 22, 2021
One of people’s favorite things about socializing is being seen as “relatable.” It means that you’re likable, easy to get along with, and genuine. Just like social media, being free and comfortable behind my computer screen gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts with a wider audience. But I’m willing to share some things that I (and other DHS students) found to be interesting, especially with the end of 2021 coming up.

Eating Alone at Restaurants:
A night out at a restaurant either means that you got tired of the food at home, you don’t feel like cooking, or you’re looking for a way to bond with someone. It’s so common for full families to grab a booth at Red Lobster or even a small cafe down the road. What is so weird about people who eat alone? Ninth grade Brooke Dewbrey backs me up on this, saying, “Obviously it can be a lonely experience for some, but some people can just genuinely enjoy their own company sometimes and they shouldn’t be made to feel weird for doing that.” Aside from what Dewbrey mentioned, It’s okay to want time to yourself during your free period, or lunch. Or according to 10th grader Logan Fox, “Walking alone in the hallways.” Yes. No shame in the person who does walk with their friends, but I usually walk alone, and hopefully, no one thinks I’m a severe loner. Your friends shouldn’t feel upset when you want some time to shut up and relax.
Respecting Pronouns:
In the past year, people of all ages have been becoming more in tune with their identity, starting off with their pronouns. It is our job to respect them, and that means not misgendering. Junior Ashley Trigueros agrees. “It should be the bare minimum to identify someone correctly. If the person tells you how they want to be referred to, it doesn’t take much to just listen. You’re respectable because of it.” Trust me, it’s way more embarrassing to assume and misgender someone than just asking. Ask. I promise the person will thank you instead of putting them in an uncomfortable situation.
Eating In Class.. with Limitations:
Having a light snack in class should be okay. On days where you don’t have time for a meal, eating an energy bar should be an easy fix that would boost your mood- and your work ethic. Of course, no teacher is going to be okay if you take out a whole sandwich in the middle of a lecture. Or obnoxious crunching while everyone else is focused. Having something small to snack on should not be a big deal. Many teachers used to freak out at me for bringing this point up. https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahdobro/toxic-practices-normalized-in-school?utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bfsharecopy
Shoutout to the history teacher, Mr. Dennis Cummings for bending the norm. During freshman orientation, he mentioned his opinion on this, and happy tears welled in my eyes. (I’m exaggerating.) Finally, someone who understands the importance of not starving yourself in the middle of class. What a wise man.
Mental Health (for the 100th time):
Even in adults, talking about yourself can be an uncomfortable topic. Being in high school, however, is a lot of stress and it doesn’t hurt to open up to someone you trust. 12th grader Sebastian Mengwall, says, “One thing that comes to mind is stress. I wish I could comfortably discuss pressure and stress both in and out of school. I’m hesitant to talk about these topics because I worry I may look vulnerable, weak, or underachieving.” I get it. Saving your pride is an obstacle in expressing how we feel, and having a voice in the school’s newspaper is my way of keeping up with my mental health. Find something that is your outlet! Learn to be okay with confiding in someone about anything. School counselors, friends, family are an option as someone to vent to. Venting to yourself in your notes app is also a good temporary substitute. 10/10, I’d recommend.
There are little things many teens do/think that are still perceived as “weird” within our age group and out. The question is- is it really?
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