Darien High School, the home of the Blue Wave, has arguably one of the best student sections out of all the schools in the FCIAC. The Friday Night Lights football games are what everyone is looking forward to during the week, and reasonably so. Many different factors go into what makes these games so good, the biggest and most important one is the student section. Here’s what to expect from the stands during games this year:
Our theme for almost all of the night football games at DHS is a blackout, in which students’ whole outfit is black. However – the day games could potentially have a whiteout or blue-out theme. Feedback in terms of the football game themes has been given by

students, and they want a wider variety. Theme suggestions like neon, tropical, USA, and many more have circulated the school. Assistant Principal Mr. Mark Mazzone said, “It is up to the students and the student council to create themes; it’s out of our hands”. The class of 25’s Community Council President, senior Yenaris Frias claims she wants to work on integrating other themes into the football games, for example, she wants to have a neon-out for the Homecoming Game. That being said, if we have other themes, students are expected to go all out and stay on theme. If we had new themes for the games but nobody followed them, then what’s the point?
Although there are no clear markings on the student section bleachers, there’s a very specific order the grades “have” to be in. This might get confusing to new students, so here are some of the unspoken rules. Ninth graders are all the way in the back, typically on the bench or the concrete part. This isn’t hazing, it’s just purely based on seniority. Sophomores are in front of the ninth graders, juniors close to the front, and seniors get the ground level. Seniors are the ones that start the chants, once they tell the people behind them what it is, you pass that information back to the person behind you. This way everyone knows what’s going on.
CHANTS (No Names, No Numbers):
DHS implemented a strict no names, no numbers policy where students aren’t allowed to use players’ names or numbers in chants. After the incident at the Fairfield Prep night game in 2023 (IYKYK), DHS assistant principals made it clear to the students that DHS won’t tolerate any of that behavior this year. Therefore, when cheering, DHS Principal Ms. Ellen Dunn and the assistant principals suggest using appropriate chants. If these rules are violated, they could go as far as removing spectators from the student section. Regardless of that, make sure to be loud. Constantly support the team, try to stay engaged, and show lots of Blue Wave Pride.
FLOUR TRADITION (during the Star Spangled Banner):
One of the biggest traditions during these football games is the flour tradition, in which, during the Star Spangled Banner, flour is thrown when it says “wave”. The flour is thrown during the “wave” for obvious reasons. Flour is distributed throughout the

student section but it is recommended to bring your own, and be aware that you will have flour on you everywhere. Literally everywhere. This tradition has been around for many years, predating many teachers and staff which all claimed they didn’t know how or when this started. A good tip for this tradition is that unless you want your phone to be coated in flour, put it away along with other things that could be ruined.
There is no need to buy a ticket for a home game, because they are free for DHS students. But, if you’re a family member and/or just a fan, tickets can be purchased at gofan.co, they’re also available on other websites but that’s the main recommended one. The tickets are typically as low as $5. As for the turkey bowl, it’s not your usual home game. The turkey bowl will be an away game at New Canaan High School and is being played on, of course, Thanksgiving morning. DHS students have to purchase tickets, usually costing around $10-15. It is usually a white out and make sure to dress warmly, it’s usually freezing at this time.
What are you expecting from the student section this year?
“We need to have the most excited and respectful fans…we’re not putting anyone down, that’s the kind of atmosphere that our players deserve. We want you guys to have fun.”
Do you show a lot of Blue Wave Pride at the games?
“There is no one that is a bigger fan than me, I try to show up to every game and support all the student athletes as much as I can, JV and varsity. Our students here at DHS, specifically the athletes, are just outstanding and so talented.”