DHS is the home to approximately 1,354 students between 9th and 12th grade and has around 123 staff members. The school is 316,926 square feet, including an 18,000 square foot auditorium for 1,2000 people. Despite its size, some locations of the school are more congested than others throughout the day when clusters of attendees move to small gateways at the same time. Here are some of the busiest parts of Darien High School, 7:40-2:20.
The high school library. The library is inarguably one of the most busy spots in school throughout the entire school day and school year. Students can come to the library to work on homework, study, print something, check out a book, use the computers and really any other academic purpose. Though used throughout the entire day, it is most busy in the morning before 7:40 and during the lunch wave.
The tennis courts are the sight of a student-favorite gym activity. The tennis courts are primarily used before Thanksgiving in the fall when the weather is above 40 degrees, or during the spring time when it gets warm again after winter. All gym classes rotate through at least one tennis unit. Typically, you can witness many competitive tennis games even in gym class!
The number one busiest place in Darien High School: The Cafeteria. The cafeteria never fails to be the most crowded area in the school. So crowded that many times students will find themselves without a chair! This is a place where many students get together to also work on school work when not eating lunch.
Another angle of the cafeteria. There is an evidently busy junior section in the way back near the “Blue Wave” sign, and an always busy senior section. But there are actually some chairs available here!
Leaving for the day. Quick, run to the bus! Try not to get hit by a car. Pat, stop yelling at me to pull out of my spot! Dismissal at 2:20 is the most hectic time of the school day. The never ending traffic lines of parents and kids, honks of aggravation, 2:20 in the parking lot is hectic, busy, and sometimes dangerous.
The classic line at school a little after 2:20. Struggling to get out of the oval parking spots (cars were not moving here, they were at a dead stop, and did not move for a good 5 minutes). Everyone knows how busy “the loop” is at the end of the day. Maybe you’ll have a nice and considerate person realize you have been waiting to pull out of your spot for 10 minutes and will let you go.
Mia Cappelli is a senior at Darien High School and this Fall 2021 is her first year writing for Neirad. Her love for writing and the world of journalism...