Make This: Join the new Corn-TEEN Trend of Bleach Tie Dye Sweatshirts
Bored during quarantine? Grab your darkest sweatshirt and sweatpants and get ready for a cool looking project. Within minutes you can have a sweatshirt with a cool discolored look, all from the comfort of your own home.

1.Put on a big old pair of white (preferably blue because, Go Blue Wave) gloves.
Bleach is a strong chemical that can burn your skin without the proper precautions, so make sure to use protection!
2. Lay down old, yucky towels that can end up in the trash can or even cloth to protect the surface (the floor).
Caution: Unless you’re trying to tie dye your carpet with bleach, do this outside.
3. Twist your piece of clothing to create pattern and then secure with rubber bands.
4. There are many designs for your tie dye, the spiral is the most popular, but there are many other options like crumpling the clothes for a cool effect.
The vertical stripe design is another good option for your bleaching project, you start from the center of the shirt and pull up using rubber bands to show the effect. The bullseye is another cool effect where you roll up the shirt and use rubber bands to emphasize the effect.

5. Apply bleach , then let it sit for 10-30 minutes.
The solution should be 50% bleach and 50% water for the best results.
6. Wash with cold water and then dry. Dry them well. Nobody likes wearing a wet pair of pants, cmon.
7. Enjoy your new tie dye item of clothing created specially in quarantine.

Not only is Isabel a follower of this trend… check out TIK TOK! Popular creators as bored as you are during the quarantine are tie dying their old sweats. For more videos on Tie Dye than the links below, search up #tie dye on TIK TOK.
So for any teen going through this absolutely horrific time, here is something to do with your extremely busy days full of quite literally nothing. Enjoy your new tie dye sweatshirt even though no one will see you.