Winter Movies Preview

Winter is officially here, and in the wake of the splash that was created by this summer’s blockbuster season, comes a promising selection of films premiering in the coming months. As always, the summer was a major jackpot for the box office scores, as everyone under the sun wants to go and see whatever new shoot’em up is being shown in their local theater, making summer the perfect window for releasing films. And as always, the fall and winter movies are left ignored in comparison. This is a major shame, because people are missing out on some great films that end up not receiving the recognition that they deserve. This year especially includes an array of movies that are certain to do very well, some in fact, that could surpass even the highest of box office rankings from the summer’s films.

Marvel Studios is a corporation that has grossed billions of dollars with their films over the past decade. They have produced movies that are not only popular to the average moviegoer, but also critics and comic book fans alike.Summer has always been an extremely popular time for Marvel to put out a movie or two, but this year seems to completely different. While films like Spider-Man Homecoming and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 were gigantic box office hits, the movie making the most buzz is none other than Thor: Ragnarok. The Thor films have received mixed reviews from critics, having been viewed as monotonous and uninteresting. Unlike its predecessors, Ragnarok is receiving reviews deeming it as incredibly funny and exciting, as well as it receiving the highest ranking for a Marvel film to date, sitting on a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.

When asked about their opinion on the upcoming film, Sophomore Spencer Erickson was quoted saying,

Thor Ragnarok hits theaters on November 3, 2017.


Trailer for Thor Ragnarok:


Along with Thor Ragnarok, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is also introducing the fan-favorite character “Black Panther” to the big screen this winter. Since the character’s introduction in the 2016 film Captain America: Civil War, fans have awaited the day that he appears in his own solo movie. Black Panther fan that day is nearing quickly, as the film will be shown this February. The film will introduce an array of new characters and settings into Marvel’s Universe, which will be important for the studio’s future, as so many characters are being retires. Black Panther will no doubt have a big part in the MCU, as it is the last Marvel solo film to come out before Avengers: Infinity War, the conclusion to the 4 Phase plan that Marvel introduced in 2008. Infinity War is said to be a conclusion to the story that has been told over the past decade by Marvel. After Infinity War, many characters in the Marvel Universe will be retired, leaving room for characters such as Black Panther to jump in and fill the void.

Sophomore Nico Clark seemed very excited about the new character’s solo film, stating that, “Black Panther is the coolest Marvel character. The new movie is going to be really good. It will set things up well for the summer.”

Black Panther hits theaters on February 16, 2018.


Trailer for Black Panther:


While Marvel Studios has released a lot of successful movies in the past few years, two that will no doubt make a huge splash this winter, the movie that I believe will be the most successful in the winter season is Star Wars: The Last Jedi. A universal phenomenon, there is no larger fan base than that of the Star Wars Universe. Films, shows, comic books, the list goes on and on. The 7 film saga, including one anthology movie, is a moviegoer’s dream, as it contains action, breathtaking effects, and humor. All of these qualities are why Star Wars is so incredibly successful, both with fans and critics. After the introduction of the 7th film, beginning the new trilogy, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, left fans on the edge of their seats, leaving many questions about main character Rey and other characters in the film unanswered. This was a very intelligent storytelling tactic, as it will draw masses of people to come and see the film to gain the answers they so desperately seek.

After a sit down with Junior Kelsey Vrooman, she stated, “I am really excited for the new Star Wars. Those movies are always really cool, and I think this new one could be one of the best.”

Well said Kelsey. Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 16, 2017.

Trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi:

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